Earth Retaining Wall,
Environmental and Accoustic Wall

Betoflor ®

image betoflor             image betoflor             image betoflor             image betoflor             image betoflor 

Plantable element: through-coloured by mineral pigments that can tone with the natural rocks of the region. Manufactured by computer-controlled and automated concrete block press; using semi-dry press technology.

The effectiveness of Betoflor ® is due to the interlock between elements and a low contact weight on the underlying earth. The cells are designed in such a way (patented system) as to allow plants to thrive in the ground with balance moisture levels. The root structure helps to bind elements and assists overall strength and cohesion.

The structure allows percolation and prevents the creation of pockets of water a common cause of failure in other structures. Betoflor protects against the erosion of face materials and can create a barrier to hold deposited eroded material.

 Documentation documentation leromur

Maximum height: 2.40 mmontage betoflor

Vertical inclination angle: -22°

Weight of empty element: 23 kg

Weight of full element: 50 kg

Weight per square metre (full): 500 kg

Number of elements per m² : 10No

Packaging: 4.80 square metres per pallet

Colour: according to region

Colour : according to region

  • Small height retaining wallselement betoflor
  • Facing walls
  • Terracing and ground re-modelling
  • Anti noise merlons


Preparation: Set out the works to be carried out. For curves, the minimum radius without cutting is 5 m. a trench 600mmm deep and 800mm wide.

Foundation: Pour a 100mm thick layer of 25mm slump concrete laid to the full width of the foundation. Position a 400mm wide strip of mesh reinforcement and cover with a further 100mm of concrete Position the first row of blocks and lightly tap into position, checking frequently the horizontal alignment and vertical plumb.

First course: Lugs are positioned to face down; these establish the angle of the wall. Haunch to the front and rear of the block with concrete. Once the concrete is completely dry fill with soil of good quality, that’s free from clay.

Drainage: Position a perforated collector drain at the heel of the wall.
The cells are filled with topsoil as each course is laid.
The half-elements are used to close the bond and form vertical ends to the wall.

Infilling : The backfill should consist of a free draining; low fines material with no clay content. This should be compacted with 2 to 3 passes of a vibrating plate in layers of between 100 and 200mm.

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